Volunteers are welcome! We will train you!
MIDRANGE matches are shot at 600yards from the prone position either with a bipod as F-Class or Tactical AR Class, or with a sling either Match Rifle or Service Rifle. Strings of 20 shots for record plus sighting shots.
EIC matches are Excellence In Competition Service Rifle CMP Sanctioned matches. Standing & rapid seated @ 200yds, rapid prone at 300yds, and slow prone at 600yds. EIC matches are $30 per competitor $20 for juniors. Contact Scott Asbell asbellsc@yahoo.com for more information.
HIGH POWER (Across the Course) matches are fired with Service Rifles or Match Rifles. 20 shots for record plus sighters standing position and 20 shots for record plus sighters rapid fire seated position at 200yds, 20shots for record plus sighters rapid fire prone position at 300yds, 20 shots for record plus sighters slow fire from prone position at 600yds.
VINTAGE MILITARY matches are all fired at 200yds, 10 shots standing, 10 shots rapid seated, 10 shots rapid prone, and 20 shots slow prone.
Bring eye and ear protection, it's REQUIRED, along with Empty Chamber Indicators (flags) which are available for $1, all CMP and NRA rules will be followed. All matches are shot on electronic targets, so bring a smart phone, tablet, or laptop to see shots and scores. Bring water and sunscreen, pit toilets are available. If you have a 10x10 type canopy to bring, it makes shooting more enjoyable. New shooters are welcomed, encouraged, and supported. Practice matches are especially good for this.
Date | Event | Start | Director |
2025-01-11 | Club meeting Centerville Public Library 45 S. 400 W. | 1300 | Larry Scanlan |
2025-02-27 | PD SWAT | 0800-1100 | Officer David Davis |
2025-03-10 | LEO Training | 0800 | Officer David Davis |
2025-03-14 | LEO Police training | 0800-1200 | Officer David Davis |
2025-04-08 | LEO Training | 0800 | Officer David Davis |
2025-04-22 | LEO Police training | 0700-1800 | Officer David Davis |
Date | Event | Start | Director |
2024-04-13 | Rifle EIC Match | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2024-04-17 | LEO Training | 0600 | Officer David Davis |
2024-04-17 | Police Training | 1200 | Sergeant Will Barnes |
2024-04-20 | Midrange Practice | 0900 | Clay Stucki, Zeb & Dan Hoffman |
2024-04-26 | Spring Qualification Training | 0700 | Officer David Davis |
2024-05-04 | High Power Practice | 0800 | Zeb & Dan Hoffman |
2024-05-04 | Midrange Practice | 1200 | Clay Stucki |
2024-05-11 | Rifle EIC Match | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2024-05-17 | LEO Training | 1200 - 2200 | Officer David Davis |
2024-05-18 | Midrange Practice | 0800 | Clay Stucki |
2024-05-22 | LEO Training | 1200 - 2200 | Officer David Davis |
2024-05-25 | Wendover Long Range Match | n/a | Larry Scanlan. see USRPA.org |
2024-06-01 | High Power Practice | 0800 | Zeb & Dan Hoffman |
2024-06-01 | Midrange Practice | 1200 | Clay Stucki |
2024-06-06 | 53p1hv | dbxgy0 | m684fr |
2024-06-08 | Rifle EIC Match | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2024-06-15 | Utah State LR Championship (Wendover) | n/a | Larry Scanlan. see USRPA.org |
2024-06-16 | Utah State LR Championship (Wendover) | n/a | Larry Scanlan. see USRPA.org |
2024-06-22 | Midrange Practice | 0800 | NONE |
2024-07-06 | ** CANCELLED ** Range is open | 0800 | |
2024-07-06 | ** CANCELLED ** Midrange Practice | 1200 | |
2024-07-13 | ** CANCELLED ** Rifle EIC Match | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2024-07-15 | Police Training | 0600 | Officer David Davis |
2024-07-20 | Midrange Practice | 0800 | Clay Stucki |
2024-08-03 | High Power Practice | 0800 | Zeb & Dan Hoffman |
2024-08-03 | Midrange Practice | 1200 | Clay Stucki |
2024-08-10 | Rifle EIC Match | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2024-08-17 | NRA Certified Midrange | 0800 | Clay Stucki |
2024-08-22 | police training | 11:30 | Officer David Davis |
2024-08-24 | Wendover Palma Match (Wendover Range) | n/a | Larry Scanlan. see USRPA.org |
2024-09-07 | State High Power Championship CMP 80 Agg | 0800 | Scott Asbell, Zeb & Dan Hoffman |
2024-09-07 | Midrange State Tactical AR Championship | 1200 | Clay Stucki, Zeb & Dan Hoffman |
2024-09-14 | Rifle EIC Match | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2024-09-18 | CPD firearms qualifications | 0600-2100 | Officer David Davis |
2024-09-21 | Midrange State Championship NRA Certified | 0800 | Clay Stucki |
2024-09-26 | Police training | 1000 - 1500 | Officer David Davis |
2024-09-28 | Wendover Long Range Match | n/a | Larry Scanlan. see USRPA.org |
2024-10-04 | Training | 10:00 | Officer David Davis |
2024-10-05 | Midrange Match | 800 | Clay Stucki, Dan&Zeb Hoffman |
2024-10-12 | Vintage Military | 0900 | Zeb & Dan Hoffman |
2024-10-19 | ** CANCELLED Midrange Practice ** | 0900 | Clay Stucki |
2024-10-22 | CPD firearms qualifications | 0600-2100 | Officer David Davis |
2024-10-23 | Police Training | 10:00 - 20:00 | Officer David Davis |
2024-10-25 | Police Training | 0700 - 1900 | Officer David Davis |
2024-10-26 | Wendover Palma Match (Wendover Range) | n/a | Larry Scanlan. see USRPA.org |
2024-10-28 | Police Training | 0700 - 1900 | Officer David Davis |
2024-11-02 | Midrange Practice | 0900 | Clay Stucki |
2024-11-09 | Vintage Military (weather permitting) | 0900 | Zeb & Dan Hoffman |
2024-11-16 | ** CANCELLED ** Midrange Practice | 0900 | Clay Stucki |
2024-11-20 | Police Training | 1200-2200 | Officer David Davis |
Date | Event | Start | Director |
2023-04-15 | EIC | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2023-04-29 | Midrange | 0800 | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-05-14 | EIC | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2023-05-20 | Midrange | 0800 | Jim Foster and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-06-03 | Midrange | 0800 | Open |
2023-06-17 | Midrange | 0800 | Open |
2023-07-08 | EIC | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2023-07-15 | Midrange Championship | 0800 | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-08-05 | XTC and Midrange | 0800 XTC, 1100 Midrange | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-08-12 | EIC | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2023-08-26 | Midrange | 0800 | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-09-09 | XTC and Midrange | 0800 XTC, 1100 Midrange | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-09-16 | EIC | 0800 | Scott Asbell |
2023-09-30 | Tactical Championship | 0800 | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-10-07 | XTC and Midrange | 0800 XTC, 1100 Midrange | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-10-21 | Midrange | 0900 | Open |
2023-11-04 | Midrange | 0900 | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |
2023-11-11 | Vintage Military | 0900 | Dan and Zeb Hoffman |